In West Arsi, steep hillsides and water-flled terrain seem custom-designed for producing beautiful coffees. With it, comes the challenges of bringing coffees out of the region. The land is mountainous and hilly, with a little over half of it being carpeted by forests.
Producers cultivate teff, wheat and enset (false banana), all of which are valuable food supplies in the area. For the local population of Nansebo, coffee is an important cash crop-even though the average size plot is usually between 2 to 10 hectares and yield may be only a few bags, up to 60 or so.
Because individual vields are not usually large enough to comprise an entire lot of coffee, ripe cherries purchased by the washing station are combined and processed together as they arrive. While this does not distinguish an individual farmer's terroir by lot, it does result in a wonderfully complex and unique flavor profile, representing multiple landrace varieties (landrace being the term for the indigenous heirloom varieties that have naturalized to the aгеа).
Lemon blossom, hibiscus juice, apple juice, ripe peach, orange cream.